2015年4月16日 星期四

To class 804, Secret mission II:

       You'll have a rap contest on Thurs., April 23.  You can only rap in your voice, not along with AutoRap, or play your AutoRap. Of course you can use any musical instruments or just clap your hands or stamp your feet, or anything way you want to perform.   
        Before that day, you have to hand your rap script to one of your English teachers, Miss Chen, Miss Hsu or Miss Su to ask their opinion. 先給老師看看你們的英文草稿.
        We have designed a special program for the winner.   Look forward to seeing all of you next week.

2015年4月15日 星期三

2nd Class-- Rap, Yoyo!

Listen to me flow with AutoRap!

2015年4月14日 星期二

Oh! My God!  by group ____, members:_____

Post:  A drawing or photo of my favorite God/Goddess
1.  __  is my favorite god/goddess at 湧蓮temple. 
2. He/She is __. (…的神).  
3. When you plan/want to__, __. (做甚麼時,就會想到他。)  
4. He __(他做過何種事蹟?) 
Group 2, Class 804
A music date with Miss Chen, a charming music teacher
Time: At 11 am, April 21.
Place: Music Classroom at 輔導處 3F

What will you see in our classroom? Wait and See!!!

Also you can take a close look at the class photos on the upper right link. And key in your class number and the first student.

The winner of Q-naming is Group 2.  Congratulations!!
The special gift is-----You win a chance to interview the most charming lady at San Min and her class.  Also you win a chance to enjoy 北管 music by her students.