We are going to revisit our hometown, Luzhou to find out the beauty of our living place!
Be active and enjoy yourself!
Your teachers--淑文/明卉/信滿
1st Class April 8th, Wed., Define the objective
1. 播放「Why do backpackers seldom come to Taiwan? 」
2. Take a close
look at the videos. And write down your comments on a post-it note. (one
post-it, one comment)
---Why don't they like Taiwan? (list 4)
why they want to come?
(According to
the videos) (list 4) (20 min)
3. 播放影片片段後,請各組學生討論,如果有外國人來訪,他們會想參觀蘆洲那些地方?
When a foreigner friend comes, where would you like to
take them to?
Discuss it and then write down the spots.
----List 4 good reasons to explain why it is attractive
to them?
(one post-it,
one comment)
2nd Class April 16th, Thurs.6th
period: Zoom in and make a draft
1. Choose your
--各組利用平板蒐集資料,全班決定一個導覽地點(如: 湧蓮寺、李氏古宅等
--根據選定地點(如:蘆洲李氏古宅) 收集資料,各組選定導覽主題(如窗戶的設計等)
sharing, by senior high classmates: 高102 吳映築
3. Assign mission to each group
First choice: 湧蓮寺Temple:
First choice: 湧蓮寺Temple:
About: taoism, gods ( 觀世音, 土地公....)
Activity: 普渡
Others: Students may choose one of the following Besides湧蓮寺Temple
1. Food &
snacks:切仔麵 (find a stand
to paste QR code)
pearl milk tea,
2. Tourist spots:
MRT(San-Min MRT station), egret白鷺鷥,common reed蘆葦
help center: 蘆洲分局
3. Music:北管, 廟會音樂
pop song: 鄧麗君
3rd Class, Wed, April 22nd
Ask for advice
1. Visit the spot
and ask for experts' opinion
2. Revise your draft to enrich your
guide information.
3. Think of how you plan to present it
(rap, play, writing...)
4. Rehearsal for the film.
4th Class, Wed., April 29 Youtube & QR code
1. Make a film於導覽地點拍攝導覽影片,上傳Youtube。
Upload your work to (youtube--videos, podomatic--sound
only, blog-- writing, photos....)
2. 製作QR Code貼在導覽地點,讓遊客可以透過掃描看見學生導覽作品。
Make a QR Code and publish your work.
Remember: Team work is important.